This command should only be available to IRC operators. Instructs the server (or the current server, if is omitted) to connect to on port. Support is indicated in a RPL_ISUPPORT reply (numeric 005) with the CPRIVMSG keywordĬONNECT ] (RFC 1459) CONNECT (RFC 2812) This command is not formally defined in an RFC, but is in use by some IRC networks. The target nickname must be in the same channel as the client issuing the command, and the client must be a channel operator.

Sends a private message to on that bypasses flood protection limits. Support is indicated in a RPL_ISUPPORT reply (numeric 005) with the CNOTICE keyword For example, it is often used by help operators that may be communicating with a large number of users in a help channel at one time. Normally an IRC server will limit the number of different targets a client can send messages to within a certain time frame to prevent spammers or bots from mass-messaging users on the network, however this command can be used by channel operators to bypass that limit in their channel. Sends a channel NOTICE message to on that bypasses flood protection limits. If is omitted, the away status is removed. Provides the server with a message to automatically send in reply to a PRIVMSG directed at the user, but not to a channel they are on. If is omitted, the server should return information about the administrators of the current server. Instructs the server to return information about the administrators of the server specified by, where is either a server or a user.